Shakespeare4All Drama Club


Since 2003, our school has proudly partnered with Shakespeare4All (S4A), the only arts organization in Hong Kong dedicated to fostering a love for Shakespeare in primary schools. Through engaging Shakespearean plays, students are encouraged to learn English, enhancing their speaking and reading skills.

Participating in school performances provides students with invaluable experience, boosting their fluency and confidence in using English. Additionally, we invite students to enroll in S4A’s annual stage production, held in a public venue, where elite pupils from all levels are welcomed at the beginning of the school term.


Time: Friday   3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Venue: School Hall
Teachers-in-charger: Ms Ho Po Kee, Ms Kwan Wan Man
Instructor: Ms Alphina Wu


1A Wong Hang Nga, Verena
1E Cheung Nga Kiu, Hailey
2B Wong Janet
2D Lai Wan Ying, Angelia
2E Wong Sum Yuet, Esmie
3A Chan Man San, Natalie
3B Chow Tsz Yui, Issac
3B Leung Hei Wun, Beryl
3C Ko Pui Man, Noami
4A Lau Wan Yui, Oscar
5A Chow Yan Yin, Ruth
5A Lai Yee Ting, Mavis
5B Chung Cheuk Him, Harris
5B Lam Wing Chi, Warren
5B Lin Lok Ching, Miu Miu
5C Sung Hei Yu, Hailey
6A Lau Tsz Lui, Hazel
6A So Tsz Yin, Charlotte
6C Chan Nga Yin, Kate
6C Lee Kurtis Harold
順德聯誼總會胡少渠紀念小學 S.T.F.A. Wu Siu Kui Memorial Primary School
訪客人次: 12,002,304
地址: 新界屯門安定邨第三座校舍
電話(Tel): 24503833
傳真(Fax): 26183132
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