- Develop a balanced, coherent school-based English language curriculum. A task-based approach is
adopted. Language skills are structured in meaningful, pupils’ centred learning tasks.
- Create a language-rich environment to arouse pupils’ interest in learning and using English in
an authentic environment.
- Implement phonics skills in lower primary to develop pupils’ phonological awareness.
- Implement English drama in the upper primary to arouse pupils’ interest in language arts. It
incorporates elements to facilitate the pupils’ physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development.
- Develop pupils’ generic skills, positive values and attitudes through reading, project learning,
cross-curricular activities and school-based curriculum tailoring.
- Collaborate the school English teachers with the Native English Teacher (NET) on co-planning
and co-teaching effective teaching programmes.
- Cater learner differences through enhancement and remedial programmes.
- Use IT to assist teaching and learning.
- Collaborate with the school library to implement reading projects.
- Provide different opportunities for pupils to participate in school activities, extra-curricular activities
and inter-school competitions to widen pupils’ scope.